Saturday, February 12, 2011


First off, sorry about not posting for a couple days everyone, I've been super busy lately and haven't had the time. So I'm posting before school now! :) Enjoy..

Senait has a LOT of hair. A LOT. Admittedly, more than a lot of stylists would take on (she told me she has been turned down for a thermal style before. How awful is that??)

She walked into the salon to check in and luckily enough for me I was up at the reception desk to get a first glance at her hair- she had it braided and pinned to the side and it didn't look too bad, but I knew what she was there for, a shampoo style, would probably take a bit of time. A wee bit o' time and hard work. The girl Senait was supposed to have wasn't finished with her previous guest so I got to take over since I had been saying "oh my god I wanna play with her hair" about every two seconds since she popped in.
At first she seemed really shy but we hit it off when we talked about music- she has really good taste! a.k.a stuff I would like as well, haha. When I shampooed her hair I made sure to really get in there and scrub so that her scalp could be sparklyyy clean. Getting TO her scalp was kinda an issue because she just.. Had so much hair. She told me her family was from a country called Eritrea in Africa and that she never thought about getting a relaxer because that was against her culture. I admire that so much in her, and so did the other women in the salon who were walking by.

After about 3 1/2 hours a classmate Candaz stepped in with her professional grade Croc flatirons (which by the way are the bomb) and I noticed a huge difference in the texture of the hair compared to what the ones in our KIT could do and the ones that Candaz had could do. She told me with hair that thick and coarse to take small subsections with a rattail comb, so small that you can see the tail through the hair you are getting.
Candaz helped style her and fix her fringe for us and taught me quite a bit about both as well and then had to book out the door because she had to pick up her children from school, haha. It was so sweet of her to help and both Senait and I really appreciate it.
A great guest who keeps talking to you no matter how long they are in your chair and is honest is the best thing I could ask for :)

1 comment:

Marilyn Bricker said...

Her hair and the history lesson is very interesting, you can learn so much by listening, the end "do" was very nice and it was good of your friend to lend a hand. Glad you had a good day.