Thursday, February 3, 2011


I met Katy much longer before I met my guest Heather (in my previous post). I was so happy to have such a nice girl in my chair.. at 8 AM.

Before I became a vigilant AM student where the schedule is 8-5 Tuesday through Saturday, I was a vigilant PM student where my schedule was 12pm-9pm Monday through Friday. During the holidays we were able to pick up shifts, so for PM students it would be to go on Saturday morning to evening. I want to graduate early/ on time,
so I picked up every one I could.

On my first Saturday, needless to say I rolled out of bed, miserable, think
ing "oh god, why did I do this to myself", jumped in my car and went to school. PM students GENERALLY don't do well when being used to waking up a
t 11, or 10 everyday and switching to waking up at 7 or 6. Just so you guys know.

I had a partial highlight. Oh jeeze. At this point in time the idea of a partial highlight worried me to death. (Where at this
point in time, as in this present, I am like "why??", haha.) So many things to keep track of. Make sure the highlights don't lift too much or, make sure everything is IN the foil so you don't get horrendous bleed marks, and make sure you weave everything correctly.. I dunno if you have figured anything out about me yet, but I am quite the worry wart sometimes when it comes to how my guests do. I get over this by being confident in my techniques but its more like the wait from finishing the technical part to seeing it is what gets me.

But, a little sunshine kinda peeked into my day when I got
Katy in my chair. She was quiet, polite, and we had good conversation. She was a sweetheart as we talked about all of my sports injuries (since she is studying the sort and I am/ was quite the klutz in high school), and she told me about her family and boyfriend. I was glad to hear a young girl actually talk such nice things, she never had a negative thing to say, and she had such nice hair!

Overall, she loved her highlights, and I am happy to see her still rocking it on her facebook pictures. She's added some new bangs which I think are absolutely gorgeous on her. Hard to go wrong with such a pretty face and great hair! It was nice to once again, have one of those days where you think it's gonna be so long, but you meet great people to help you smile and inspire you to do so well it goes by faster. I love my career.

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